Tioga County Agricultural Association

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$7,500 Goal

Who We Are

The Tioga County Agricultural Association, Inc. is a non-profit, all volunteer organization formed solely for the purpose of promoting agriculture and educational exhibits through the Tioga County Fair. It is through the combined efforts of Cooperative Extension, Farm Service Agency, and the many volunteers that the Tioga County Agricultural Association is able to continue to contribute much needed services to the community. The Board Of Directors work all year maintaining and upgrading the grounds and buildings through various fund raisers and activities.

This year marks the 59th Anniversary of the fair!

Why The Fair Is Important 

Our area has strong agricultural roots dating back centuries. It is important to keep our heritage alive. Groups and organizations such as 4H, FFA, Dairy Princess, Fair Queen, and Maple Ambassador Program work to educate kids on the importance of land stewardship and animal husbandry. The fair gives a place for these organizations to come together, showcase their work, and educate other children coming of age to participate in showing animals, exhibiting, and participating in fair events. 

Our Goals For The Future 

The Fair Grounds and buildings are aging. To keep our visitors and exhibitors safe we need to continue to upgrade. The track is used for truck and tractor pulls, demolition derby, rodeo, and other shows. These events are staples to the fair, and bring in the crowds we need to financially keep the fair going year to year. Making the grounds accessible for everyone has been a challenge we've been facing, especially at the track. 

Making the track accessible is a project that would happen in 3 stages:

  1. Leveling ground for ADA Accessible seating at track.
  2. Resurfacing the leveled ground with concrete or asphalt.
  3. Installation of Aluminum Safety Railing and ADA Signage.

Keeping our grounds safe and accessible for our participants and visitors is a priority, and essential for the fairs future! Please consider donating to our cause.

Campaigns supporting this organization

Organization Data


Organization name

Tioga County Agricultural Association

Tax id (EIN)



2258 Charleston Road
Wellsboro, PA 16901



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