Organization name
Child Evangelism Fellowship of Tioga County, Inc.
Tax id (EIN)
16 Charleston StWellsboro, PA 16901
Child Evangelism Fellowship of Tioga County has served the local community for over 60 years. While many people have been involved over the years, the mission remains the same: to guide children to Jesus Christ and help them confidently run their journey of faith. We do this through after-school Bible clubs at local public elementary schools and summer activities.
This year, we will be hosting week-long summer day camps at Nauvoo and Ives Run, and the funds generated from Raise the Region will go towards operating costs for these camps. The day camp at Nauvoo will be July 8-12, and Ives Run will be July 29-August 2. The camps are for children ages 6-12 and will take place from 9:30 am-3 pm. The camps will include:
There is a registration fee to attend camp. The early registration fee is $45 per child and $50 afterward. Please spread the word to families with kids interested in attending. Our desire is for children to have a fun-filled week as they learn more about the Bible and Jesus. With your support, we will have the opportunity to offer scholarships to families in need, so please consider donating to our cause. Volunteer opportunities are available for mature teens and adults by completing an application and passing background checks. For more information, please call 570-724-4591 or email at Thank you, and God Bless!
Organization name
Child Evangelism Fellowship of Tioga County, Inc.
Tax id (EIN)
16 Charleston St