Golden Rule Love Inc

A nonprofit organization

A local non-profit organization that provides volunteer services through a network of churches. It is a cooperative effort between churches and community agencies to provide help for those in need. We serve Snyder, Union, and upper Northumberland counties. The leadership of our daily operations is provided by an  Executive Director, office staff, and our volunteers. Many church members have the desire to share Christ's love by serving people with needs, but they don't know how to reach those who need their help.  Golden Rule LOVE INC makes connections between church volunteers and those in our communities who have unmet needs.  We are here to help! For more information go to our website or call us! 570-742-3561

Who We Are

Golden Rule Love In the Name of Christ is a local nonprofit organization that provides volunteer services through a network of churches. GRLI makes connections between church volunteers and those in our community who have an unmet need. We have been serving Snyder, Union and Upper Northumberland Counties for over twenty years. The leadership of our operations is provided by an Executive Director, Clearing House Coordinator/Administrative Assistant and our volunteers. We are always looking for volunteers and churches to join our ministry.

Organization Data


Organization name

Golden Rule Love Inc

Tax id (EIN)



102 Lower Market St
Milton, PA 17847