Organization name
Tioga County Homeless Initiative
Tax id (EIN)
2580 Charleston RdMansfield, PA 16933
In 2011 we started with housing homeless in local churches for the winter. In 2012 we started renting the current 100-year-old house and we were able shelter guests all year round. In 2016 we purchased the 100-year-old house to continue assisting the homeless of Tioga County. Since we had the house, we have been able to assist over 100 guests each year. Due to economic upkeep and utilities cost of the house, and its handicap inaccessibility the plans for a new facility came about. With support of our community, we have been able to complete the outer shell and underroof of the building. This has all been pay for without borrowing any funds. We are currently on Phase 2 of the build which contains the inside and utilities for the building. We are hoping with God's Grace to be able to finish the entire project without owing any money. The new shelter will be completely handicap accessible which allows us to accommodate more guests. We continue to work on the new building. We are concentrating on the main living quarters at this time. The drywall has been hung and now we are spackling and sanding then we will be painting. Then we can finish the utilities; such as Electric, heating, phones service cameras, fire alarm system and etc. We have flooring to purchase and installed, bathrooms fixture to install and beds to made storage closets for food and personal items.
Organization name
Tioga County Homeless Initiative
Tax id (EIN)
2580 Charleston Rd